Ми “навчили” штучний інтелект ChatGPT писати вірші і оповідання про Луганськ

Ми “навчили” штучний інтелект ChatGPT писати вірші і оповідання про Луганськ

ChatGPT — це  розроблений OpenAI чат-бот зі штучним інтелектом, який віднедавна став доступним в Україні. Ви можете ставити йому запитання і отримувати розгорнуті відповіді. Звісно, результати не завжди співпадають з очікуваннями, а іноді відповіді штучного інтелекту можуть неприємно вразити та навіть здатися упередженими. На окупованих територіях цей сервіс недоступний, однак нам, жуналістам-переселенцям, ніхто не заважає потренувати “робота” писати справжні художні твори про рідний Луганськ. Поїхали!

Ми “навчили” штучний інтелект ChatGPT писати вірші і оповідання про Луганськ

За запитом “Напиши коротке оповідання про Луганськ” чат-бот декілька разів видав максимально нейтральну оповідь про маленьку людину, яка опинилася в складних життєвих обставинах під час війни. Луганськ в буквальному сенсі розділений навпіл між воюючими таборами. Хто насправді винний в тому, що війна почалася – остається за лаштунками ціх творів. Штучний інтелект є політично нейтральним, проте завжди натякає, що навіть посеред руїн ви можете знайти в собі сили допомагати іншим, і це, врешті решт, зможе перетворити зруйнований Луганськ на щасливе місто. ChatGPT точно знає, що луганчанам не варто втрачати надію.

Ось приклад:

Запит: Write a short novel about Luhansk


Luhansk was a small city in Eastern Ukraine, known for its rich history and cultural heritage. But everything changed when war broke out in the region.

The city was divided into two parts, with the Ukrainian army controlling one side and the pro-Russian separatists controlling the other. The streets were empty, and the once vibrant city was now a ghost town.

Natalia, a young girl from Luhansk, had seen her fair share of tragedy during the war. Her father was killed in the fighting, and her mother had to flee to safety with her two younger brothers.

Natalia was left alone in the city, struggling to survive in a war-torn landscape. She found refuge in a small community of civilians who had decided to stay behind and help each other.

As time passed, Natalia became more and more involved in the community’s efforts to rebuild their city. They started small, with simple tasks like clearing rubble and fixing roads.

But soon, they were able to secure funding from international aid organizations and began to rebuild their homes and businesses.

Natalia’s leadership skills shone through as she organized the community and helped them navigate the challenges they faced. She worked tirelessly, day and night, to bring Luhansk back to life.

As the city slowly began to recover, Natalia realized that she had found her calling. She wanted to help other communities affected by war, and she knew that she had the strength and determination to do it.

With renewed hope and a sense of purpose, Natalia left Luhansk and traveled to other war-torn regions, bringing with her the lessons and experiences she had gained in her own city.

Years later, Luhansk had fully recovered. It was once again a vibrant and bustling city, thanks to the efforts of Natalia and her community. Natalia’s legacy had been etched into the city’s history, and her story had become an inspiration for others to follow.

Ми “навчили” штучний інтелект ChatGPT писати вірші і оповідання про Луганськ

Акценти трохи зміщуюються, коли просиш штучний інтелект написати оповідання про “український Луганськ”, або “російський”. Герой оповідань – місцевий, що, як правило, також є частиною конфлікту. Він воює, але не втрачає людяності і на передовій, що призводить його до спроб зрозуміти своїх ворогів, допомогти їм. У випадку проросійського комбатанта з наступного твору така позиція навіть робить його героєм для обох сторін конфлікту. І це, підкреслює ChatGPT, закладає надію на мирне луганське майбутнє.

Запит: Write a short novel about Russian Luhansk


Once a bustling city in eastern Ukraine, Luhansk was now a shadow of its former self. The war between Ukraine and the Russian-backed separatists had taken a heavy toll on the city and its people. But there was still hope for those who lived there.

Sergei was a young man who had grown up in Luhansk. He had seen his city transform from a peaceful town to a war-torn battleground. His parents had fled to Russia when the conflict started, but Sergei had chosen to stay behind to fight for his home.

He joined the separatists, not because he believed in their cause, but because he felt he had no other choice. He had seen too many of his friends and family members die at the hands of the Ukrainian army. He knew that the war would not end until one side emerged victorious.

But as the war dragged on, Sergei began to question his allegiance. He saw the atrocities committed by both sides, and he realized that he didn’t want to be a part of it anymore. He wanted peace.

One day, while on patrol with his unit, Sergei stumbled upon a group of Ukrainian soldiers who were lost and in need of help. At first, Sergei was hesitant to assist them, but then he saw the fear in their eyes and realized that they were just like him, fighting for their homes and families.

He helped the soldiers find their way back to their base, and they thanked him for his kindness. From that day on, Sergei knew that he couldn’t continue fighting. He wanted to find a way to bring the two sides together.

He began to work secretly, reaching out to members of the Ukrainian army and trying to convince them that there was a better way. He even spoke to some of the separatist leaders, trying to get them to see reason.

Slowly but surely, Sergei’s efforts began to pay off. More and more soldiers began to defect, and the fighting began to die down. Eventually, a ceasefire was called, and negotiations began for a peace agreement.

Sergei was hailed as a hero by both sides, and he was asked to participate in the peace talks. It was a long and difficult process, but in the end, a peace agreement was signed, and Luhansk began to rebuild.

Sergei had found a way to bring his city back from the brink of destruction. He had shown that even in the darkest of times, there was always hope for peace.

Ми “навчили” штучний інтелект ChatGPT писати вірші і оповідання про Луганськ

Доречі, у штучного інтелекту, навіть коли змушуєш його писати про “російський Луганськ”, немає сумнівів, що Луганськ – це Україна. Тому оповідання про “Луганськ український” виходять у ChatGPT більш прямолінійними. Тут герой – український ветеран, який повертається з війни в рідне місто, щоб відновити його. Але є й небезпека: групи озброєних сепаратистів, які заважають розбудовувати майбутнє післявоєнного Луганська.

Запит: Write a short novel about Ukrainian Luhansk


Once a bustling city in eastern Ukraine, Luhansk had become a ghost town. The sound of gunfire had replaced the laughter of children, and the streets were empty. Every building bore scars of war, and many lay in ruins.

Oleksandr had lived in Luhansk all his life. He was a veteran of the Ukrainian army and had seen the horrors of war firsthand. But he refused to leave his hometown. He was determined to rebuild it, no matter the cost.

Oleksandr had gathered a group of like-minded individuals. They scoured the city for usable materials and worked tirelessly to repair the damage done by the war. Bit by bit, they transformed the city into something resembling its former glory.

As they worked, they also kept an eye out for any signs of danger. The separatist forces that had taken control of Luhansk were still a threat, and they knew that they could be attacked at any moment.

One day, while Oleksandr and his team were working on a particularly large project, they heard the sound of gunfire in the distance. They knew that they had to be quick if they wanted to protect themselves and the city.

They gathered their tools and ran towards the sound. They arrived just in time to see a group of separatists attacking a group of civilians. Without a second thought, Oleksandr and his team charged towards the separatists.

The battle was fierce, but Oleksandr and his team fought with everything they had. They managed to drive the separatists away and protect the civilians. They were hailed as heroes, and their reputation as protectors of Luhansk only grew.

In the years that followed, Luhansk slowly began to thrive again. People returned to their homes, and businesses reopened. The city was still scarred by war, but it was no longer a ghost town.

Oleksandr and his team continued to work tirelessly to rebuild Luhansk. They knew that there would be setbacks, but they also knew that they had the strength and determination to see it through. They were proud to call Luhansk their home, and they were determined to make it a better place for everyone.

Ми “навчили” штучний інтелект ChatGPT писати вірші і оповідання про Луганськ

Але виявилося, що наш письменник-початківець ChatGPT – ще й неабиякий поет! Вже другий його вірш про Луганськ цілком міг би здобути премію на англомовному поетичному конкурсі для підлітків. Правда, в окупованому Луганську він навряд чи пройшов би цензуру. Бо Луганськ, каже штучний інтелект, – це пульс України.

Вірш про Луганськ від ChatGPT

Luhansk, oh Luhansk, my heart is full of love,

For you, my dear city, I would fly like a dove.

The sun shines bright on your streets so wide,

And your parks and gardens are a sight to behold with pride.

Your people, so kind and full of grace,

Are always willing to lend a helping hand in any case.

The history that you hold is rich and vast,

With tales of courage and glory that will forever last.

Your buildings, old and new, tell stories of their own,

And your culture and traditions are a treasure to be known.

Oh, Luhansk, you are the heartbeat of Ukraine,

A shining star that will forever shine with fame.

May your future be bright and full of joy,

And may your people always find peace and enjoy.

For you, my dear Luhansk, I will always pray,

And with each passing day, my love for you will never fade away.

Ми “навчили” штучний інтелект ChatGPT писати вірші і оповідання про Луганськ

Навіть шкода, що штучний інтелект поки що не вміє писати музику – бо можна було би створити гарну пісню, або навіть новий гімн рідного Луганська, в два кліки!

Так, твори ChatGPT зараз більше всього нагадують перші оповідання і вірші наївного підлітка. Але те, що цей підліток талановитий – у нас сумнівів не має.

Штучний інтелект вчиться, він зростає і відточуʼє майстерність. І головне, він не втрачає людяності і, здається, по-справжньому любить місто Луганськ.

Завдання штучному інтелектові, як в написанні творів (ChatGPT), так і в створенні малюнків (DALL·E 2) ставив головний редактор “Реальної газети” Андрій Діхтяренко

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